International Affairs Club
The International Affairs club focuses on helping students to take steps to become globally active citizens. The club consists of the coordinators Mr.Lairson and Ms.Callaghan and ANY student who would like to join. With so many participants in this extracurricular club, a lot of events occur over the course of the school year.
One of the biggest activities for the group is Model UN. The club debates world issues at Woodroffe and participates in Model UN simulations at other high schools or universities in Ontario. There are also weekly meetings where many fundraising ideas are created, as well discussions about understanding present global crises and many guest speakers from Rotary club who present their own international experience.
An example of the active citizenship events that are organized yearly is the 24 hour Awake. Donations for the fundraiser are given to the YMCA School in Kibera, Kenya and Kijabe Township Secondary School in Naivasha Kenya, and to the NGO LINK (Liberty in North Korea).
In general, international affairs appeals to students who are interested in pursuing an internationalized education, creating a positive social change on a global level, or anyone who wants to explore the world. Students in the club are quite often enrolled in the International Certificate Program. Everyone is welcome.
Past Events
Walk Without Borders
Hey Tigers, This year the International Affairs club will be doing a new fundraiser. We are helping out "Walk without Borders" (in association with "Doctors without Borders"). The fundraiser is to walk a certain distance over a span of time. This year our goal is to have each member of our club to walk 100km in a span of a month. We are planning to fundraise $1000.00 for Mumshime to help establish a centre for women to give birth. If you would like to join our team, Woodroffe Tigers International, we would love it or you can donate on the Walk without Borders website under our teams' name. We hope that you can join.