Sankofa Centre of Excellence Graduation Coach Program
Advancing the academic success of African, Black and Caribbean students in the OCDSB.
Research studies have found that outcomes for Black students are significantly lower than that of their peers especially within education and employment. In addition, Black youth are over-represented in the criminal justice system. These outcomes have been attributed to systemic inequities.
The program at Woodroffe H.S. aims to provide African, Black and Caribbean students with intensive and culturally responsive support to help them with their academic achievements and well-being in a safe and welcoming environment that fosters a sense of belonging. The results will be an increase in confidence, attendance and engagement in their learning environment, and increased graduation rates to support advancement of African, Black and Caribbean students in their lives and chosen career paths.
Contact Info
Gwen Moubouyi Madiba
Graduation Coach for Black Students
Woodroffe High School